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Dealers & GMs: How to Lead Your Management Team to the Next Level of Professional Development

"These are truly great resources... But how do I get my managers to use them?"

"These are truly great resources... But how do I get my managers to use them?"

This is a comment I hear often from Dealers and General Managers when discussing the value of the DealersEdge Collection of Resources.

They believe in the value of management education and keeping up with the industry, but worry that managers just do not take it seriously.

Let me suggest….

Most of your managers are taught a process… a “how to” process of what to do each day to further the interests of the dealership. Typically they are not encouraged to be “business builders” or to consider what could be done to help the business advance and grow.

Most of your managers are taught a process… a “how to” process of what to do each day to further the interests of the dealership. Typically they are not encouraged to be “business builders” or to consider what could be done to help the business advance and grow.

It’s the Senior Manager… the Dealer or GM that must create a forward-thinking environment.

If you, as the Senior Manager, do not put an emphasis on professional and personal growth, your mid-level and lower-level managers won’t either. Some managers are “self-starters”, but most are just playing follow the leader.

If you don’t display the importance of growth and expanding their knowledge of the business… then they will not either.

Manager’s Complaint:

“I just do not have enough time in my day to take classes or to read management education resources.”

For many, they never will have “time” to do something on which they place little importance. This is doubly true when senior management is not leading the way. We all know that everyone has time for those things thought to be important!

Display Leadership in the Dealership

How do you inspire and lead others to greatness?

There are no easy answers. I do have a few suggestions.

Use your Meetings with your management team to encourage development and hold them accountable.

In most dealership organizations, meetings are a normal course of doing business. Often these are “Manager Meetings” at which all managers are gathered to discuss the results from the last period; and to discuss what is forecast for the next.

Discussing results and forecasts are great… and should never be ignored. However, these gatherings can be so much more.

Business Ideas for Auto Dealers

Why not tap into the collective wisdom of your managers. Using this meeting time to discuss and hammer out ways to grow and improve your business?

Here is one way…

As the Dealer or General Manager heading this meeting, choose new concept or resource… something you learned at your 20-Group, from DealersEdge or any other source of credible management education. 

Assign this to the team member most appropriate to the topic or concept. Require that he or she explore the topic and bring a brief report to the meeting. One person… one 10-minute report.

He or she will be asked to report on the topic and whether he or she thinks it is either a good idea for your business; or not.

Ten minutes should be enough time to summarize their opinion to the group. Then guide an open discussion of how this concept should be put to work; or discarded.

Get the whole team involved. Regardless of the topic pull reactions from variable, fixed and top managers. You are paying these folks to run a slice of your business… get your money’s worth.

As the Dealer or General Manager, it is your leadership what can make this happen.

Auto Dealer Innovator
  • Your meetings will be more interesting and will create new and exciting ways for your business to grow.

  • Your managers will be more engaged. No longer do they operate just in their corner of the business. They will be adding to the discussion of what is best for the whole.

  • Leadership will discover who among the team is the best and brightest. Who are the “Super Innovators?”

Where to Find Topics to Discuss?

Auto Industry Best Brains

20-Groups are great for learning what others are doing successfully. Another great source is the information curated by DealersEdge and available online.

DealersEdge has a huge selection of cutting-edge concept, topics and ideas available.

Business Edge

DealersEdge is highly cost effective and delivers new ideas and reports every month.

DealersEdge as a Curator Will:

  • Identify the challenges and issues facing retail automotive managers. What task or problem is on your desk today? What opportunity are you missing?

  • Identify and arrange for the best industry expert to contribute on this topic.

  • Broadcast a Live Online Workshop on this topic.

  • Further curate the topic by providing an on-demand library of Video and Audio recordings… as well as Summary Reports and copies of the expert’s presentation slides.

DealersEdge connects you and your team with a wide variety of recognized industry experts; most with hands-on, in-dealership consultations to draw on. DealersEdge brings experience and expertise to you and your team.

Here what’s Available… Most Recently Added Topics to the DealersEdge Vault:

Bring high-quality, cutting-edge ideas and discussions to your Manager Meetings! It's easier than you think and the development of your team well worth the effort.

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