Internal Dealership Controls to Prevent Theft and Embezzlement
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Internal Dealership Controls to Prevent Theft and EmbezzlementAuto dealers are routinely surprised and shocked at how a trusted employee could have stolen so much without obvious detection.
Learn about Internal Controls that can help prevent employees putting their hands in the till.This Multi-Media Learning Kit will explore:
- Asset Misappropriation - 89% of known cases - median loss $140K
- Financial Statement Fraud - 10% of cases, but a median loss of $800K
- Bribery and other Conflicts of Interest - 38% of known cases with a median loss of $250K
- How to ID and Prevent each of the above.
Kit is Immediately Available Online, but will also be mailed (FREE Shipping) with all files on a USB Flash drive for your convenience!
Back to Basics Learning Kit: Dealership Controls to Prevent Theft - Embezzlement