DealersEdge Members Only Benefit
Request a Free USB Flash Drive containing Audio Recordings for All New Management Update from Jan thru Mar 2020
This Quarterly Update is No Charge for Members
The average person in the U.S. commutes about 30 minutes both to and from work!
Now you can use that time to catch up on what is working for other Automotive Pros from just about everywhere.
Could not be easier. Plug into a USB Port and find it on your car's sound system. Indexed and Tagged so you can choose individual recordings.
Managing Incoming Professional Information Could Not be Easier. Request Your Q1 2020 Sample Flash Drive Today!
Included on Q1 Jan-Mar 2020 Flash Drive:
Effective Labor Rate Mgt & Control - Ed Kovalchick
Legal Challenges for Auto Dealers 2020 - Eric Chase J.D.
Accounts Receivable Health Check - Christine Andrews & Rob Campbell
Dealership Analytics & Moneyball - Rob Ristagno
IRS 8300 Process Health Check- Christine Andrews & Rob Campbell
Customer Communications & Social Distancing - Joni Stuker-Davis
All MP3 Audio Files on One Flash Drive for the Ultimate Convenience and Portability. It's never been easier to stay up-to-date!