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How to become the Super Star General Manager in Your Market…

General Managers…
Protecting the Process Is Your Job #1!

The automotive General Manager's core responsibility lies in safeguarding organizational processes by skillfully leveraging the expertise and intelligence of team members.

Through effective delegation, collaboration, and communication, they foster a dynamic work environment that promotes innovation and ensures the organization's resilience, ultimately driving success and long-term sustainability.

This new DealersEdge Resource will provide the most useful and comprehensive collection of dealership management wisdom available… It’s in an organized style that allows for Quick Reference for dealing with specific daily challenges… or as the GM’s Guidebook, it can be read and studied from start to finish.

Price $500
Shipping is FREE to U.S. & Canada

DealersEdge Member Price is $400 MORE INFO

USB Flash Drive Included!
Contains: Excel Checklist Templates and Other Support Documents
Free of Charge With Guide Purchase

Learn How Auto Group Consolidation Offers New Opportunities for General Managers… The continued consolidation of stand-alone dealerships into aggressively growing auto groups offers professional GMs significant
growth and advancement opportunities. As auto groups expand, managerial roles become more complex and diverse, allowing GMs to develop new skills, engage in strategic decision-making, and gain valuable experience across multiple franchises. This ultimately enhances your leadership capabilities, marketability, and career trajectory in the world of auto dealerships. Don’t get left behind!


CHAP 1- General Manager’s Role Defined
• GM as an Exceptional Performer
• Having a “360-Degree View”
• Asset Management
• Process Management
• Efficiency Management
CHAP 2- GM’s Daily Priorities
• Detailed Checklist for Starting the Day
• Stand Up Meeting with Key Department Heads
• Save a Deal Meeting
• MBWA- Management By Walking Around
• Summary of Daily Checklists for GMs
CHAP 3- GM’s Weekly Priorities
• Variable Departments Weekly Review – New and Used
• Fixed Operations Departments Weekly Review
• Weekly Review of Top 10 Asset Problems
CHAP 4- GM’s Monthly Priorities
• Reviewing the Plan for the Month
• General Sales Meeting – Forecasting for Variable Departments
• General Service & Parts Meeting – Forecasting for Fixed      Departments
• Marketing Attribution Review
• The Payable Party
• Review of the Financial Dashboard
• Expense Review – Results vs. Guides
• Review Employee Productivity
• Review Operating Guidelines
CHAP 5- GM’s Quarterly Priorities
• Review Bank Reconciliations
• Review Parts Inventory Reconciliation- GL to
Parts DMS
• Review Reconciliation of Finance Reserves
• Review Holdback Schedule
• Review Accounts Receivable and Related Accounting Processes
• Review of Floorplan Reconciliation
• Review YTD Earnings for All Employees – Check Compliance
• Review All State and Federal Laws and Regs for Compliance
• Review All Technology Systems – Usage and ROI
• Review Mystery Shopping Reports


CHAP 6- Management Team Building
• How to Hire the Right People and Onboarding
• Ongoing Training and Professional Development
• Communicating Effectively
• Fostering a Positive Culture
• Setting Clear Goals and Expectations – Leading by Example
CHAP 7- Compensation and Pay Plan Strategies
• Financial Incentives and Other Motivators
• Pay Plan Strategies for General Managers
• Pay Plan Strategies for BDC Managers
• Pay Plan Strategies for F&I Managers
• Pay Plan Strategies for Used Vehicle Managers
• Pay Plan Strategies for Service Manager
• Pay Plan Strategies for Service Advisors
• Pay Plan Strategies for Parts Managers
CHAP 8- Used Vehicle Management – Special Focus
• KPI for High Performing Used Vehicle Ops and Employee ROI
• Used Vehicle Inventory Objectives
• Inventory Acquisition
• Reconditioning Best Practices
• Digital Parity – Comparing Online and Showroom Experiences
• Defining and Maintaining a High Performance Used Vehicle Website
CHAP 9- Service Operations- What GM Needs to Know
• Promoting Cultural Consistency in the Service Department
• Auditing Your Service Process and Cultural Consistency
CHAP 10- Parts Operations- What GM Needs to Know
• How to Know if the Parts Dept is Healthy
• Six Key Inventory Measurements for Inventory Performance

Price $500
Shipping is FREE to U.S. & Canada

DealersEdge Member Price is $400 MORE INFO

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