Back to Basics Learning Kit: Shrinking WIP and Unapplied Labor Tool Kit
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Unapplied labor hours means you either did not sell the time (which of course is now no longer saleable), or the accounting is not tight and efficient.
If you have larger than acceptable WIP or Unapplied Labor or those accounts are growing rather than shrinking, then this Workshop is for you.
Rob Campbell will share with you his process for identifying the problems, finding the profit leaks and then plugging them.

Learn the Secrets of How to Control these Troublesome Accounts:
How adjusted costs impact your profitability and gross retention
The five primary causes of a growing WIP account
How to identify and understand the interaction of all the accounts involved and how they should function
How to get to the bottom of WIP and trace the source of errors
What systems are available to help minimize Unapplied Labor
How to make the right decisions on WIP write-offs, reductions and other corrections
How to whittle the WIP and Unapplied Labor problems down to size and save the bottom line
All on a USB Flash Drive

Plug and Play from your Laptop
Flash Drive has files for:
MP4 Video-Play from Drive... no streaming
MP3 Audeo-Play in background while doing other things
PDF of a print Executive Summary Report
PDF of presentation slide for note taking
All on one labeled USB Flash Drive

Plug and Play Audio in Your Car
Same Flashdrive loads into most newer cars to Display and Play from the Sound System
Allows you to reclaim idle drive time into a solitary learning retreat... where you catch up with cutting edge professional updates... without the daily work demands and distractions!
There are few times left in life to devote to your professional knowledge base... except this one!
Simple Instructions for Use are Included with Your Learning Kit USB Flash Drive
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